Libertarian Party of Bay County FL, November 18 Meeting Minutes

Officers Present: Anna Marie Morris (Chairwoman), Joey Ferguson (Vice Chair), James Morris (Treasurer), David Agosta (Secretary).

Members Present: Richard Caisse , Kimberly Ann Caisse , Kelly Ferguson, Patrick Leistner (LPF Treasurer), Elaine Agosta & John Latham .

Visitors: Joshua Keeton, Laura Ramsey, Shawn Whitley.

7:00 PM: Anna Marie called meeting to order. All present introduced themselves.

7:01: James presented the Treasurer’s Report. LPBC had $1,931.71.

7:02: Anna Marie presented last meeting’s minutes. She called for a motion to approve, both Treasurer’s Report and minutes. Patrick made a motion to approve; David seconded. She called for a vote and both passed unanimously.

7:04: Anna Marie moved to Old Business. She asked Patrick to give an update, on our proposed “Adopt A Highway” opportunity. He said there’s two versions to apply for; the County and State levels.

Two roads are available now. Thomas Drive, which is sponsored by the County. Beck Avenue, which is sponsored by the State. He felt Beck Avenue made more sense, for two reasons.

  1. It’s more centered in Bay County and easier for us to meet at.
  2. The State minimum requirements for cleaning and documenting, is four times a year. The County minimum, is 12 times a year.

As we are still growing and most members don’t live on Panama City Beach, he recommended we apply for Beck Avenue.

7:07: Anna Marie supports the idea and common sense, to apply for Beck Avenue. David added he liked and supported Patrick’s idea.

7:09: Anna Marie called for a motion, to approve Patrick applying for the State application. Patrick made motion; David seconded. Passed unanimously.

7:10: Dates were announced, for the Libertarian Party of FL State Convention. February 25-27, in Melbourne, FL.

7:11: Patrick presented update, on making and selling LPBC T-shirts. He found a great design, for LPBC logo and a local designer. He voluntarily deposited his own money, for a down payment. He will voluntarily pay for the final bill, when shirts are ready. He plans to sell them, for $20.00 each. He said all proceeds go to the LPBC Treasury.

7:15: All Old Business concluded, Anna Marie moved into New Business. The Elections for 2022 LPBC Officers was done. Anna and James officially announced, they wouldn’t seek new terms. She read nominee names, for offices. Joey Ferguson for Chairman. Richard Caisse for Vice Chair. Patrick Leistner for Treasuer. David Agosta for Secretary.

After reading candidates names, she asked if any members had other names, to nominate. No names were called. Anna Marie made a motion to approve new Officers;. James seconded. New Officers voted in unanimously.

7:17: After the vote, David announced 2022, as his final term. New members are joining, he said he was ready for others stepping in. Though Joey was new Chair, all new Officers mutually agreed, for Anna Marie to finish out leading our meeting. David added a public thank you, for her and James service. All present applauded them. New Business ended and we moved to general discussion.

7:21: Anna Marie discussed a current LPBC fight. Parker, FL is looking to raise residents’ water bills. Their reason is loss of City income. Like all “reasons” for raising rates and taxes, lack of funding is due to wasteful spending.

Like Parker libertarians, she encouraged all to attend their own City Council meetings. We must promote Pro-Liberty government actions and against needless gov’t growth. This is true, in government spending. No waste, just true needs. The same goes with Libertarians going to Bay County Commission meetings.

7:24: Patrick presented information, to improve our LPBC website. He presented the Brevard County LP, as the best looking site. He encouraged David to contact Regional Officer Tim Crosby . Tim offered to help us make improvements. David agreed and would text Tim, the coming weekend.

7:25: John Latham discussed current actions, fighting corrupt local officials. John referenced the current contraversies; of PCB. (John is a PCB resident). Also, he spoke of the recent arrests, of a Dad & Son filmer; in front of Mosley High School. He would post a separate video of the arrests, on the Bay County Libertarian Party FB page. (Separate FB page, voluntarily run by Bay County Libertarians). All can watch and make their own call, if the Bay County Sheriff’s Deputies were out of line. If the Deputies were wrong, he encouraged all to use their First Amendment right; to speak out against them and hold the Sheriff’s Office accountable.

7:30: James spoke about holding all elected officials, feet to the fire (of Voters). Reinterating what Anna Marie said earlier, show up at council meetings, learn what’s going on, speak up and join voluntary citizens’ committees. Anytime there’s community involvement, speak up and out.

7:32: As her final act, of Chairwoman, Anna Marie presented Joey, Patrick and David, with their record books. New Officers thanked her again, for all her services. She and James will stay active, in the LPBC. Now, they take a right and earned rest; as volunteer members. Then she called for a motion to adjourn.

7:35: Before motion made, David reminded all no meeting for December. We will break for Christmas and meetings resume in January. New Officers will decide (possible) new location, closer to Panama City. This due to membership and attendance growth. Also, makes it easier for farther living residences; to drive closer. Then, we wished all a Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

David made a motion to adjourn: Joey seconded. Meeting was adjourned.

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