LPBC Meeting Minutes, October 21, 2021

Minutes of the Libertarian Party of Bay County, FL Meeting. October 21, 2021.Officers President: Anna Marie Morris (Chair), Joey Ferguson (Vice Chair), James Morris (Treasurer) & David Agosta (Secretary).Members Present: Patrick Leistner (LPF Treasurer), Kelly Ferguson, Richard Caisse & Elaine Agosta .

7:00 PM: Anna Marie called the meeting to order. James gave the Treasurer’s Report. Current funds are $1,937.71. Recognized and thanked David & Elaine, as the only monthly donors this year. James presented last meeting’s minutes, as David was absent. Anna Marie called for a motion to approve both. David made motion and Joey seconded. Both approved unanimously.

7:01: Anna Marie announced the LPF Convention in Orlando, FL; with dates announced soon. She encouraged all of us, to join the LPF and LNC. The more registered members in FL, to more delegates get appointed for conventions.

7:02: Anna Marie announced voting on LPBC Officers, for 2022, by December. She and James won’t seek new terms. David said he could serve another year. Anna Marie said, we will discuss the openings, at our close.

7:03: Before moving on, Patrick explained how delegates are chosen and how many each State area gets. He encouraged all to join the LPF, to increase our delegate count.

7:10: No Old Business, so we moved to New.

7:11: New Business. Patrick said he’s talked to more Bay County Libertarian Voters. They didn’t know the LPBC existed. He’s staying in contact with them, giving information. He’s convincing them we’re a real deal. Potential membership addition, is there. He made presentations, getting our message and existence out.

7:15: He offered getting LPBC shirts made, at his voluntary expense. We can sell them, to anyone interested. We publicly wear them to our meetings, events and chosen life outings. Others see them and know we exist. It opens doors, for voters asking about us.

He continued speaking of the FL DOT, “Adopt A Highway” program. We apply to take care of a certain road, in Bay County. A minimum of four times a year, for two years, we pick up litter. Doing this, the DOT puts an adopt sign, on the road. It recognizes the LPBC. We get public recognition and do community service. He called it a “win, win” for all. Our views were unanimous with his. So, he’ll look into applying for the adopt.

Anna Marie then discussed the coming Officer election. As she and James served for 11 years, they’re ready for successors. David said he would serve another year. Joey said he’s willing to serve as Chair. Patrick added, he can serve as Treasurer.

That’s covers the minimum three active Officers, we need to keep our charter alive. Richard said he would consider serving as Vice Chair again. His problem, was his work schedule. Patrick said, Richard can serve as a temporary VC. With the potential new membership, we’re working on, we can open them to serving as permanent VC.With that, Anna Marie said we would nominate and vote in Officers, at the next meeting.

Before ending New Business, Patrick brought up the LPF program, of cash reimbursement, for LPBC Officers, serving in local government functions. As Anna Marie serves on the Parker, FL 1/2 cent infrastructure board, we may qualify for the program. That’s more money, we put in our treasury. She asked Patrick to apply for it.

7:20: Our next meeting is at Callaway Applebee’s, at 6-8 PM. The first hour is dutch dinner. The second hour our meeting. The date is November 18, 2021.

7:24: No further discussion was made. Anna Marie made a motion to adjourn and James seconded. Approved unanimously and meeting adjourned.

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